Keep your guard up.

Every week we hear the craziest stories. There seems to be no end to the determination and creativity of people bent on ripping somebody off. If a business has something of value, it’s a sure bet someone, somewhere is figuring out a way to steal it. The threat is even more pronounced when your operations are located in remote areas.
Mobile Pro Systems was founded on the belief that surveillance products must be smarter and bolder than criminals. There is so much more to engineering an effective mobile security product than attaching cameras to a pole that’s bolted to a wheeled base. Our customers require systems that can actually help defend their property and deter intruders. From trailers to towers and mounted units, Mobile Pro Systems offers the most proactive defense you can buy. Need help? We’re here for you: 952-324-5656.

Gate Sentry
Gate Control Surveillance Camera System
This all-in-one slim tower adds multiple technologies at remote locations where gate security is crucial. The MPS Gate Sentry can be customized to your requirements with wireless gate operation, a card reader security system, two-way audio, video surveillance and more.

Keep the Water Flowing
Farms and ranches in remote areas need mobile surveillance to combat copper and water theft.
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Light Pole Wire Theft Leaves Cities in the Dark
What will thieves think of next? Street light poles are being raided for the copper wire inside and cities are left with thousands in repair bills.
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